An innovative and inspiring path from business culture to business con science.
From innovation to renewal
The current economic crisis has certain systemic features that we never knew before now and we really need some new answers. “Quinto Ampliamento” aims to provide the perfect platform for spreading a new way to do business amongst businessmen, managers, workers, the public and the youth: it offers companies the necessary conceptual tools to rightly move on from the Nineteen-hundreds and learn to look forward to new, positive scenarios in which profit and solidarity, business and culture, and public and private interests can finally be reconciled.
Along the way, we aim is to supplement the ideals of Communal Economics with motivational stories about best practices and the concrete benefits achieved by sharing and workshop debates. We will involve entrepreneurs, intellectuals from the broadest possible range of different fields, and artists, all of whom are chosen on the basis of their ability to propose new ways of viewing work, ultimately meaning hustle and bustle, the stratification of knowledge and passions, as an opportunity for communal growth, in other words, economic, social and cultural growth.
Work areas
The “Il Quinto Ampliamento” activities are designed to encompass all aspects of company life and they therefore explore a variety of topics, such as:
- Business culture and the culture within the organisation
- Communal economics
- The innovation-stimulating environment
- The relationship between technology and work
- Corporate welfare
- Purposes, virtues and incentives/rewards
- The relationship with all stakeholders
- Management style
Activities and services
Anyone who chooses to join “Il Quinto Ampliamento” will be able to participate in a truly original process together with other companies and to take advantage of the opportunities and services offered by the association:
- Congresses and Conventions
- Exhibitions
- Shows
- A specialist magazine
- Specific training programmes
- Interaction with schools
- Study Bursaries
- Studies and Research projects
- Analysis of best practices
- Discussion round-tables