Stefano Zamagni
Stefano Zamagni is Professor of Economics at the University of Bologna and Associate Professor of "International Political Economy" at the Johns Hopkins University, SAIS Europe in Bologna. From 1985 to 2007 he taught the History of economic analysis at the Bocconi University of Milan. He is a member of three Academies (Bologna, Modena, Milan) and, since November 2013, has been Full Professor, appointed by Pope Francis, of the Pontifical Academy of Science. He is also Co-founder of the School of Communal Economics and the “Fondazione Italia per il Dono” and was the previous President of the National Community Sector Agency. His published works include the following: La cooperazione, Il Mulino, 2008; Economia Civile, Il Mulino, 2004 (con Luigi Bruni); Avarizia. La passione dell'avere, Il Mulino, 2009; Impresa responsabile e mercato civile, Il Mulino, 2013; Prudenza, Il Mulino, 2015.